CPA 2025
Shifting the Geography
of Reason XXIII
Fanon at One Hundred
École Hanétha Vété-Congolo
Dumaine, François, Martinique
July 15-20, 2025
At the conclusion of Les Damnés de la terre, Frantz Fanon calls for his contemporaries and subsequent generations to build new concepts and set afoot new ways of being human. His plea resonates powerfully today in epic struggles against attempts to drag us all into a romanticized past and/or onto paths, infused with misanthropy, that would destroy any possibility of a human future. Fanon’s name is evoked in many directions. At the 100th anniversary of his birth, it behooves us all to engage Fanon’s ideas as a call to think Fanon beyond Fanon. The Caribbean Philosophical Association and the Foundation Frantz Fanon will therefore meet in July 2025 both to celebrate the life and thought of this great son of Martinique and, in the spirit of his thought and the association’s mission, to explore concepts and challenges posed in this third decade of the twenty-first century in our continued task of shifting the geography of reason and setting afoot a world of dignity, freedom, and livable life.
Participation in the conference is contingent on formal membership in the Caribbean Philosophical Association. To become a member of the association, please register here.
Guidelines: Please submit your individual and panel proposals by December 15th, 2024.
Length of individual presentation: Each presenter reads for 15 minutes.
Languages: Creole, English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish.
Instructions for individual and panel abstracts:
Individual abstracts: Submit proposals through this page. Enter the presenter’s name and institution, rank, (where applicable), email address, title and an abstract of a maximum of 250-words.
Abstracts for panels: Panels are made up of at least three presenters and a maximum of four. On behalf of their fellow panelists, the organizer of the panel submits all abstracts and panelists’ information via this page. Panelists’ abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. In addition to individual abstracts, the organizer of the panel will also submit a title and brief abstract (maximum of 200 words) for the panel.
Number of proposals per participants: Individuals can submit only one proposal. However, they can participate in other capacities as session chairs or roundtable discussants.
Inquiries: All inquiries can be sent to thecaribphilassociation@gmail.com.
Please note that the Call for Abstracts are viewable in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Creole below.
Important Dates
Conference: July 15-20
Submission: December 15
Registration: June 30
The registration deadline to the conference is June 30. The applied rates are as follows and applies only to presenters:
Full Professors - $ 75.00
Tenured Faculty - $ 60.00
Employed Faculty - $48.00
Students - $24.00
Caribbean Students - $15.00
Late Registration
Full Professors - $125.00
Tenured Faculty - $100.00
Employed Faculty - $80.00
Students - $40.00
Caribbean Students - $25.00