CPA Summer School

For the CPA, philosophy is conceived not as an isolated academic discipline, but as rigorous theoretical reflection about fundamental problems faced by humanity.
Jose Arturo Ballester Panelli

Caribbean Philosophical Association Summer School

The CPA summer school is a generous and intellectually rigorous environment that understands Caribbean philosophy as a transdisciplinary form of interrogation informed by scholarly knowledges as well as by practices and artistic expressions that elucidate fundamental questions that emerge in contexts of discovery, conquest, racial, gender, and sexual domination, genocide, dependency, and exploitation as well as freedom, emancipation, and decolonization.

The CPA invites theoretical engagements with all such questions, thematic areas, and genres from any given discipline or field, with a common interest in “shifting the geography of reason,” by which we mean approaching the Caribbean and the Global South in general as zones of sustainable practices and knowledges.

Important Dates

Deadline to Apply: March 1, 2025 by 11pm EST (notifications by March 14, 2025)

Deadline Extended to March 15, 2025

Deadline for Summer School Deposit: May 1st, 2025

Deadline for Remaining Summer School Fees: May 15th, 2025

Attendance: June 1-June 7, 2025

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by March 14th.

Logistics & Fees

The total price for the CPA Summer School includes CPA 2025 conference registration, membership dues, and Summer School fees.

  • For graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and independent scholars from Canada, Europe, and the United States, the total price is $1500.

  • For faculty based in Canada, Europe, and the United States, the total price is $1700.

  • For graduate students, advanced graduate students, and independent scholars coming from Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America, the total price is $1000.

  • For faculty based in the Caribbean, Latin America, and in Africa, the total price is $1200.

  • For Arizona State University faculty, students, and staff, participation in the Summer School is free. 

While our target audience for the CPA Summer School is graduate students at all stages, advanced undergraduates, faculty, and independent scholars are also very welcome to participate.


You should arrive at Phoenix on June 1st by mid-day and depart after the Summer School ends in the late morning or afternoon of June 8th.


Lodging is not included in the summer school fees but rooms will be available at the university hotel for a discounted price.

Summer School Reading 

We will distribute readings by email in mid-May.


The 2025 CPA Summer School will be held from June 1st -June 7th. Instructors include: Paget Henry, Lisa Anderson, Sylvia Marcos, Oscar Guardiola Rivera, H.L.T. Quan, Azad Ashim Sharma, Michael Monahan, Jacqueline Martinez, Lewis R. Gordon, Brooke Coley, Ana E. Cervera Molina, Richard Lanigan, and Jane Anna Gordon.

Questions? Email: Jackie Martinez at