CPA 2025
Lodging Alternatives
The following are lodging options you can consider. Please, note that we have no relationship with these hotel facilities, and we are suggesting them to provide alternatives. Should you opt for one of these alternatives, you will need a transportation means such as a car rental. Local transportation from these hotels to the site of the conference may or may not exist and be regular. We recommend that you rent a car. If you are not a European citizen and do not have a European passport, to drive in Martinique, you will need an International Driving License. Please, check with the French Consulate of your area or/and with the authorities of your home country to know what the procedure is to obtain an International Driving License to drive in Martinique.
The towns selected further down are the ones that make sense in relation to hotel availability, location and distance vis-à-vis the town of Le François and the site of the conference.
Le François is the town where the conference takes place. Factor in a 30 to 40mn travel to the site of the conference which is in quartier Dumaine. To place a phone call to Martinique, dial first the international code from your area, then 596 596 to a landline or the international code from your area, then 596 696 to a cellphone.
Landlines start with 596.
Cellphones start with 696.
La bananeraie gîtes en Martinique
Téléphone : 0596 54 99 59
Adresse : Jocelyne et Alex PAVIOT, Perriolat, 97240 François, Martinique
Les villas du Lagon
Quartier La Prairie, Le François 97240, Martinique
Phone: 596 02 22 22
Email : booking@lesvillasdulagon.fr
Hôtel Frégate Bleue
Frégate Est n°4
97240 Le François
Martinique, France
596 54 54 66
E-mail: info@fregatebleue.com
Le Vauclin is a neighboring town to le François. Factor in a 40-mn drive between Hôtel Cap Macabou and the site of the conference. Traffic is light.
Cap Macabou - Hôtel-Restaurant
Petit Macabou - Le Vauclin, Martinique
596 74 24 24
Le Lamentin is a neighboring town to le François. Factor in a 40 to 50mn-drive between Hôtel de la Galleria and the site of the conference. Traffic may be dense.
Hôtel d’affaires de la Galleria
Acajou - 97232 Lamentin
Phone : : 596.50.94.00
Fax : + 596 596.50.91.89
Email: hotel.galleria@wanadoo.fr
Fort-de-France, the capital city of Martinique is 30 km away from Le François where our conference site is. Depending on the location of the hotel you choose factor in a 40 to 60 mn drive between that location and the site of the conference. Traffic may be dense.
Squash Hotel Karibea (at Valmenière) [at the outskirts of Fort-de-France]
Avenue des Arawaks - 97200 Fort-de-France Martinique
Hotel l’Impératrice [in town]
15 rue de la Liberté 97200 Fort-de-France Martinique
05 96 63 06 82
Résidence Fort Savane [in town]
5 rue de la Liberté
97200 Fort-de-France
+596 596 80 75 75
Centre International de Séjour - CIS Martinique [at the outskirts of town]
Zac Étang Zabricot
97200 Fort-de-France
Phone: (0596) 39 09 09
Fax: (0596) 391011
E-mail: info@cis-martinique.com
HEAVY touristic zone situated in the Grand Sud. A 60-mn + drive to the conference site.
Carayou Hotel & spa
+ (596) 596 66 04 04
Hôtel Bakoua
Pointe du Bout
97 229 Les Trois-Ilets
+596 596 66 02 02
Hôtel Bambou
Anse Mitan
Les Trois-Îlets
+596 596 66 01 39