Caliban’s Readings
All Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk: Third World Feminism as Citational Praxis
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
(Paréntesis): A Brief Reflection of (Un)Belonging and Collective Memory in Afro-Puerto Rican Art
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
Howard Thurman and the Promise of Interspecies Communion
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
Political, Spiritual, Hermeneutical Revelation: An Essay on The Sacred Act of Reading
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
Koreans of Cuba: In Search of Pacific-Caribbean Decoloniality
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
From Narrowcasting to Algorithms: Why Black Programming Disappears from View
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
Maladaptive Ways of Being: Rastafari Women on Rewriting Scripts of Oppression
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
“Cuz we got our own white people”: Black Looks, Latinx Bodies
Shifting the Geography of Reason.
Planning with Fanon: The Puerto Rico Planning Board and Alienation in San Juan
Shifting the Geography of Reason.