CPA Conference 2023
Twenty Years of Shifting the Geography of Reason: Continuing the Struggle
June 22-24, 2023 | Online Conference
During its twenty years of existence, the Caribbean Philosophical Association (CPA) has been shifting the geography of reason. It has done so through cultivating discerning praxes of thought that are committed to ascertaining the conditions through which human freedom and oppression are both sustained and usurped.
For our June 2023 gathering, we invite participants to continue the project of shifting the geography of reason through knowledge and knowledge production in light of the many challenges we face today, including but not limited to: sustained attacks on democracy and political institutions, unashamed falshoodism and alternative factism, severe socio-economic North-South disparities, armed conflicts, aggressive liberal economism, ecological disasters, and the consequences of the ever-increasing presence of technology and artificial intelligence.
How do learned organizations such as the CPA and its allied counterparts adjust with agility to the obscuring of knowledge? What does it mean to produce and disseminate knowledge in this current era? How can ethical epistemology become an irremovable core of human affairs?
The Caribbean Philosophical Association calls for papers to be presented at its virtually held Shifting the Geography of Reason XXI Annual Meeting that engage the notion of knowledge, knowledge production, ethical epistemology, and the work of learned societies that support humankind’s uplift.
We will grant preference to papers directly anchored in the question of knowledge, knowledge production and ethical epistemology while also accepting proposals considering the CPA’s global, historic principle of Shifting the Geography of Reason. We are interested in work that emerges across all disciplines and modalities of human expression and is informed by commitments to global contexts through which shifting the geography of reason continues and deepens.
Participation in the conference is contingent on formal membership in the Caribbean Philosophical Association. To become a member of the association, register here.
Guidelines: Please submit your individual and panel proposals by March 31st, 2023. Include the full name, paper title, abstract, institutional affiliation, preferred contact information, and rank or work (e.g., “writer” or “artist” if not an academic) of each potential participant in English, French, Spanish, Creole, or Portuguese.
Length of individual presentation: Each presenter reads for 15 minutes.
Instructions for individual and panel abstracts:
Individual abstracts: Abstracts contain the presenter’s name, institution – when this applies – and email address. It should also bear a title and a maximum of 150 words.
Abstracts for panels: Panels are made up with at least three presenters and a maximum of four.
The chair of the panel submits all abstracts in one single Word doc. file on behalf of her or his fellow panelists. Each abstract contains a maximum of 150 words. Each individual abstract should start with the presenter’s name, the presenter’s title, institution of affiliation and email address. In addition to her or his individual abstract, the chair of the panel submits an abstract for the panel containing the panel’s title and abstract of a maximum of 150 words.