CPA Conference 2024
Decolonizing Epistemologies
June 27-30, 2024 | Quintana Roo, Mexico
The CPA’s mission to Shift the Geography of Reason features the work of Indigenous, Black, and non-European people from the Caribbean and across the Global South. We use “Decolonizing Epistemologies” expansively to consider how colonialism has profoundly impacted the Caribbean and Global South, and the many ways Indigenous, Black, and non-European peoples have struggled to sustain the most deeply held sense of human dignity and community. Epistemologies, then, are conceptualized not only as knowledge systems that survive, but also as practices through which Indigenous, African, and Caribbean communities retain cultural roots, struggle, and thrive despite the dehumanizations of colonialist domination. We seek theoretical, literary, artistic, activist, and methodological contributions that address, but are not limited to, the following themes:
Creolizations: Engaging the phenomenological complexities of communicative engagements within contexts of colonial domination;
Unearthing Hidden Narratives: Examining marginalized perspectives and suppressed histories to construct a more inclusive and accurate understanding of colonized epistemologies;
Language and Cultural Identities: Investigating language as both a structure and embodied practice that shapes apprehensions of reality and the possibilities for self-understanding;
Visual and Performing Arts as Catalyst of Change: Delving into how visual arts, literature, music, and performance enact processes of decolonization;
Decolonizing Education: Exploring the role of education and pedagogical practices that sustain and challenge Euromodern thought and colonialism;
Environmental Ecologies and Knowledges: Considering knowledge as intimately connected to our physical environments and ecologies.
Participation in the conference is contingent on formal membership in the Caribbean Philosophical Association. To become a member of the association, please register here.
Guidelines: Please submit your individual and panel proposals by February 20th, 2024.
Length of individual presentation: Each presenter reads for 15 minutes.
Languages: Creole, English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish.
Instructions for individual and panel abstracts:
Individual abstracts: Submit proposals through this page. Enter the presenter’s name and institution, rank, (where applicable), email address, title and an abstract of a maximum of 250-words.
Abstracts for panels: Panels are made up of at least three presenters and a maximum of four. On behalf of their fellow panelists, the organizer of the panel submits all abstracts and panelists’ information via this page. Panelists’ abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. In addition to individual abstracts, the organizer of the panel will also submit a title and brief abstract (maximum of 200 words) for the panel.
Number of proposals per participants: Individuals can submit only one proposal. However, they can participate in other capacities as session chairs or roundtable discussants.
Inquiries: All inquiries can be sent to thecaribphilassociation@gmail.com.

Important Dates
Conference: June 27-30
Submission: February 20
Registration: May 31
The registration deadline to the conference is May 31. The applied rates are as follows and applies only to presenters:
Full Professors - $ 75.00
Tenured Faculty - $ 60.00
Employed Faculty - $48.00
Students - $24.00
Caribbean Students - $15.00
Late Registration
Full Professors - $125.00
Tenured Faculty - $100.00
Employed Faculty - $80.00
Students - $40.00
Caribbean Students - $25.00